This job was nice because, again- empty condo in addition to a client with great taste! She liked a minimilist/boho kind of look. The space was awkward to work with as it went on an angle.
Her requests: bar area with stools, a dining table (where there is no designated space for one), sectional couch and lastly, coziness.
I got the inspo for her kitchen bar with this photo:

These stools are from Target. Luckily they now ship to Canada so I was able to purchase them and have them shipped right to my door #score!!
She didn't own this condo, so I was not able to make the ornate brackets in the above photo. Instead I added a nailhead trim along the wood top. The bar before hand was a white MDF piece that was about 10" long. See before picture below:

I made, stained and installed a wood piece for on top of it (that she can just take off when she leaves). The brackets are attached to the top (bar) and the wall, so that uninstalling is very easy!

The bar top added about 5 more inches of dining space. It really warmed the stark white kitchen up!
On to the next subject: Dining area.
For our initial consultation my client had her mom, dad and real estate agent there. (LOVED her family- loud and fun like mine!). Her agent was making suggestions such as "why don't we put a dining table beside the couch- my friend has an extendable table, looks great!)...... #NOPE
I suggested (because there was a LOT of space between the TV and the couch), that we do a tulip and 2 ghost chairs. Simple, elegant and timeless- but most of all wont look awkward.

I purchased the 2 ghost chairs on Kijiji ($80.00 ea.) The table is from ikea, but the problem was that it was way too large (with a diameter of 42"!). So I improvised. I bought another table (Vittsjo) and used the white shelf portion for the top instead of the original. I bought this table second hand so there was a bit of money left in the budget.

The diameter on this puppy was perfect (32"). I am a genius what can I say?!
Here is the photo in relation to everything else. See? It fits perfectly. Barely even know its there! I guess that's why they call them "ghost chairs" hahaha. What a dad joke!

Now for the bedroom. I wanted to make a headboard for her that also had lighting. 2 birds, one stone #amiright?
I built this headboard with knotty pine, attached 2 ikea lights to it and BAM.

I like to keep the duvet covers white. Its clean, always looks good and then you can have more fun with the textures and other decor items. We added huge faux fur accent pillows, a bohemian print quilt set and a patterned pillow. I am so in love with the end product here.

Now for the reveal of my favourite item in her bedroom: the dresser!
She pinned a ton of mid-century modern inspired dressers for her room. My sister was refurbishing and painting a piece she bought on kijiji. It was PERFECT for the space. here it is:

Here are a couple more shots of her place:

#target #targetstools #barkitchen #kitchenbar #diybar #nailheads #counterheightbar #diycounterheightbar #barwithwoodtop #turqoisechairs #stools #beforeandafter #condodecorating #condodesign #pinebartop #kivikcouch #stripedpillow #abstractart #hairpincoffeetable #diywoodtable #furpillows #colorfuldecor #bohodecor #minimilistdecor #midcenturymodern #midcenturydresser #windowslivingroom #whitecurtains #ikeacurtains #fauxplants #ikeahacks #tuliptableinlivingroom #tuliptable #ghostchairs #ghostchairsroundtable #plantsinlivingroom #vittsjo #vittsjohack #ikea #abstractrug #plantsstand #walllight #walllightonheadboard #diyheadboard #diypineheadboard #bohoroom #bohobedroom #diynightstand #largemirrorbedroom #furpillowsbed #condo #midcenturylighting #furrug #shelfinentryway #shelf #ekby #diyikeashelf #hairpinlegs