#Empty Condo, Big dreams
HI there! this is my first blog post! I am so excited to finally sit down and go through my work with you (via the Interweb)- I swear I am not 60 years old! (Interweb haha). Please excuse my writing skills- This blog will probably be written in a diary format. This blog will be all about each of my design jobs, and the DIY projects that go along with it! Here it goes...
I will start off by saying that this job was SO much fun! My favourite jobs are those in which I have (relatively) free range on design. This condo was move-in ready with absolutely NO furniture. My client wanted everything from furniture, to textiles, straight down to a plunger!
My initial consultation totally threw me for a loop as I had seen the layout plans online, and I, for some reason or another thought that it was going to be HUGE! Little did I know that it was going to be an average size Toronto condo (and by average I mean a small box).
Her First requirement:
1) Storage.
Since we had minimal space we REALLY had to come out with a solid design plan. She has a tiny kitchen (with no dining area) and a 22 FT hallway! This is the result:
Here is the kitchen we designed. 2 floating barn board shelves (Rough pine from Home depot), Ikea EKBY brackets (spray painted gold) 2 Glass racks underneath the wood (again, gold) A cabinet from habitat for humanity with a rough pine top (luckily got this unit for $150- just my luck that it fit perfectly on that wall!) Got the metal legs from our dude in London (again, gold) and THEN my FAVOURITE feature: the gold pineapples from WALLPOPS! how cute is this???
We also made the dining table (legs from a kitchen table from the 1950's- scored them from a local used furniture store and made our own wood top- of course we made it super narrow)

This hallway!
Great use of space- We used the Trones shoe storage boxes, stacked and piled on to draw your eye to the end. The art was her taste and she HAD to have it up (would have done something a bit more bohemian). Thats a real difficult situation to be in- when a client insists on art that you don't find aesthetically pleasing- but you do what ya gotta' do!
The rug is 18 FT long- What else was I supposed to do? Got this sexy thing from overstock.ca for a measly $250!

#troneshack #trones #longrunner #longrunnerhallway #bararea #ghostchairs #ghosteameschairs #pineapples #wallpops #longrug #longhallway #arrowhooks #diydiningtable #diylongtable #ikeahack #ekbyhack #bar #floatingshelves #ikeashelves #barnboardshelves #interiordesign #interiordesigntoronto #midcenturylivingroom #glassrack #wineglassrack #glassrackinkitchen #paris #marqueelight #barnboard #diytable #diycabinegt #diyikeacabinethack #fauxplants #smallkitchen #smallhomedecorating #decoratingideas #torontodesign #torontointeriordesign #tarynmurphy #tarynmurphydesigns #fadedrug #bedwithbaskets #diybench #hallway #entryway #longentryway #smallcondo #narrowhallway #wallpopspineapples